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CloudExtend Year-End Reflections and Building on Success for 2024

As the year draws to a close, we all like to look back on what we’ve accomplished over the past 12 months. Where we can improve, what we can learn. And of course, what do we have planned for the new year. 

The team at CloudExtend is no different, and we wanted to take some time to share the progress we’ve made this year toward making your CloudExtend experience the best possible, and give you some sneak peeks into what you can look forward to in 2024. Let’s take a look! 

Wrapping Up 2023

If you’ve been with CloudExtend for any amount of time, you know we’re dog-on-bone about constantly and consistently updating our products based not only on market research, but also—and perhaps more importantly—customer feedback. What works? What doesn’t? What’s a “nice to have” versus a “need to have” and how can we prioritize updates and upgrades to give you the most bang for your buck and the least interruption to your process? We also humbled ourselves this year with some product releases that did not go so well. We learned a lot from those lessons and promise to do better in 2024.

Across the board of both email and Excel integrations, we decided to revise the licensing model to enable users to connect to multiple NetSuite accounts and sandboxes at no additional cost. We also significantly simplified the login process: Now users can log in to CloudExtend with their Microsoft or Google credentials and connect to multiple NetSuite accounts at no additional charge. 

Email Integration
It was a banner year for our ExtendSync for Outlook and Google Workspace products. We all like to be able to work from anywhere, and knew that was important to our email users as well. So we took the opportunity in 2023 to ensure that Outlook mobile app users could attach emails to NetSuite records from their phones as easily as they could their laptops. We also expanded the types of records users can attach emails to, including unlimited custom records. Want to know how many emails you’ve saved? We have that too, with InApp Stats that keep an easy count for you (available for Gmail users now, around the corner for Outlook users).

Excel Integration
Where we used to have our Analytics and our Data Management split out into two separate apps, in 2023 we consolidated both into one app. Users who work with both Analytics and Data Management now only have to open one app, saving time from switching between the two. Users now also have the ability to share templates across their organizations, another big time saver. 

A Sneak Peek at What 2024 Holds

At CloudExtend, we pride ourselves on continuous improvements, which is why we’re excited to give you some previews into what you can expect from us in 2024. First, our subscription portal is getting a makeover that will allow admins even more visibility into product usage, as well as better control over user actions such as deciding whether or not to enabled individual users to use thread or email based Autopilot.. 

Email integrations will continue to shine up with zero-click event sync that includes support for both recurring and multi-day events. Not to mention that event syncing is going bi-directional, so you can create the event wherever it makes sense and be confident that with a single creation, the event will live in both NetSuite and your email calendar. 

But it’s our Excel integration where you’ll see some of the biggest and most exciting changes coming. For our existing users, we’re building out the ability to edit NetSuite search criteria for analytics on the fly. 

What’s even more exciting, however, is that our Excel integration is going to be connecting to even more data sources starting in Q1! That’s right: Beyond NetSuite, our Excel integration is going to expand to multiple sources including HubSpot, Stripe, Chargebee, and Google Analytics. And that’s just for starters. Plenty more integrations are on the roadmap, so stay tuned in February for all the details. If you want to be one of the first to try this new app, email [email protected] and she can get you started with a free subscription to our beta app that will run through June 30, 2024.

Toward that end, we’ll also be announcing some exciting rebranded product names later this year.

Winding Down, Gearing Up

As we close out 2023 and look forward to what 2024 will bring, I want to thank you, our customers, for making everything we do at CloudExtend possible. This is an extraordinary gift we will work to keep earning year after year. We have an extensive roadmap for 2024 that will delight you with new products and features to continue helping make your day more productive. 

From all of us at CloudExtend, our warmest wishes to you, your families, and your colleagues this holiday season.