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CloudExtend Ebook

The Getting Started Guide to Sales Data Analysis in Excel

Sales is widely considered the leading driver of growth for most businesses. The math seems simple enough: More sales equals more success. However, to stop there is to do an organization a great disservice. Every single aspect of the sales process contains valuable data that delivers deeper insight. Sales data analysis then takes that data and turns it into actionable insights—and it’s a powerful tool for business success.

Still, the process of sifting through sales metrics to make sense of data can feel overwhelming, not to mention the challenge of doing something with the information uncovered. Since it is so critical to use data-driven sales to achieve company goals and needs, it’s equally important to have a solid understanding of sales data analysis: what it is, and how and where to build it for the best opportunities of moving the business forward.

Download this free ebook to learn more about:

  • The critical value of sales data analysis
  • Different sales analysis methods and why they matter
  • How to select the right sales analysis tools
  • Getting started analyzing sales data in Excel

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